Timed Automatons

In this Home Automation post, we’ll create Home automation that will turn on certain lights just before sunset by making use of the built-in Time Automation within the Home application.

Oct 7, 2024

In this Home Automation post, we’ll create Home automation that will turn on certain lights just before sunset by making use of the built-in Time Automation within the Home application.

In my house, we have several areas that don’t have much natural light so before sunset, coupled with the great UK weather they can get pretty dark. So for this automation, I’ll be setting the automation to trigger 30 minutes before sunset.

Open the Home application.

  • Select the + symbol and select Add Automation

  • Select A Time of Day Occurs.

  • Select Sunset

Select the i Symbol and adjust to 30 minutes before sunset, and select done when finished.

  • Select the Repeat frequency

  • Adjust the People settings if required.

  • Select Next when completed.

Select the accessories you want to be included in the automation.

  • Ensure that we have switched the accessories to turn on.

  • Select Next when done.

So now we have a Home Automation that turns on accessories 30 minutes before sunset. One thing to mention is by using the Sunset or Sunrise as the time trigger is the automation will automatically adjust as the sunset and sunrise times change throughout the year, so in theory once setup you can leave alone.


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